Turkistan Islamic Party Media Center interview; ’The Turkestan Islamic Party has been with the US and the Government of Exile, Enver Yusuf Turani. TYPE Muhammed Nurullah Çetin and his followers’ perverse beliefs.
Anwar Yusuf Turani, who was founded by the CIA in the White House of America with 10 people and appointed by the CIA as the so-called founding Prime Minister and the false sahte East Turkestan Exile Government lem held a meeting in Ankara on Friday and made the Turkistan Islamic Party look like its armed wing. made statements
The Turkestan Islamic Party fights against the United States on the path of Allah. It fights against US troops in Afghanistan and the PKK / YPG armed by the US in Syria. He devotes his gutter-and-gutter blood to Allah and His Messenger to avenge the Muslims of America. I hope God gives thousands of martyrs in order to make the Sharia of Azze and Celle dominate the world.
The Turkestan Islamic Party has been fighting in Syria since 2011. He has come to these days with many experiences. The Turkestan Islamic Party has witnessed many fraudsters using its name. Congregation excluded and discarded, the congregation rather than obey icazetsiz form of jihad, leaving individuals and commanders, and the congregation never be that people in Turkey and in many countries using the Turkistan Islamic Party name East Turkistan to the detriment of Muslim US disposal operation has been witnessed that execution .
The United States was sold to divide the Uighur Mujahideen in Syria and the failure of the Turkestan Islamic Party to build supporters for its supporters and divided the Uighur Turks into ‘small communities’ and different names. Do they expect the US to bring freedom to Iraq and Afghanistan to East Turkestan?
Turkey in which you scrape the bottom of the bottom of the East Turkistan Association Foundation and the US stands out. These foundations and communities are publicly open. ‘Ne No matter what you are against China, no matter from which you are from the worship, no matter what faith you are against, we will walk together against China. ‘ They have put forth their prey. They do not conceal their relationship with the United States. Their credentials are the United States, their origins are the CIA, their paths and lines are American, and they feed their bellies from these lines. This army to be gathered is the army of Tagut.
The United States and the CIA ask Uighur Turks for unquestioned servants. He wants to attach the collar he attaches to the PKK / YPG to the Uighur Turks. The horse is looking for soldiers to believe in the United States.
Science ehliy I said, walking with damoll adjectives in Turkey, the United States alleged Uighur Sciences competent tong these associations’ Turkish citizenship ” and is silence. This so-called DaMolla’lar apocalypse on the day of account … “Turkish Citizenship” they think they will account. They are being uğrunadilsiz devil to get citizenship in Turkey and the Muslim East Turkistan Uighur Turks of Allah azz and Celle’s biggest enemy hands tens of thousands of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen trap of having to Turkey stained America’s Uighur with the blood of Muslims, this rogue damoll Show they do not explain the pitfalls of America to Uighur Turks.
They show America to Uighur Turks as the hope of the liberation of Uighur Turks from East Turkestan in the Democrat Assemblies of the Dishonest DaMolla Taghut.
There is no one in the Fake Jihad Assemblies established by Turkistan Islamic Party.
Both the CIA has set up bogus jihad councils in both in Turkey and in other countries of the world had been abandoned Jihad Uighur Turks and other nationalities were sat on the table. Those who claim to sit at these tables on behalf of the Turkestan Islamic Party are fraudsters.
In March 2018, the Turkestan Islamic Party announced the change of duties, and said that Abu Omar Turkistani was appointed as the general emirate of Syria, and that Abu Muhammad Turkistani was appointed as the Syrian military commander of the community.
The Turkestan Islamic party would like to remind once again; These two commanders command the military power of the Turkestan Islamic Party in Syria and the surrounding countries. These commanders have all the authority and power to control the Mujahideen in all agreements.
The United States wants to use the Uighur Turks against Chinese American hatred. The US wants to take the Uighur Turks together with ISIS to the Wakhan Corridor in Afghanistan, the Chinese border.
US and Turkistan Islamic Party are fighting in Afghanistan
The US is fighting against the Turkestan Islamic Party in Afghanistan. Last year, Armed Unmanned Air Planes shot the Mujahideen of the Islamic Party of Turkestan with SİHA and hopefully killed more than 25 brothers and sisters at one time. In the last month, the United States has killed 10 Mujahideen of the Turkestan Islamic Party in Afghanistan.
Turkestan Jihad will be postponed for 100 years
The US threatens China through the Uighurs. China and the United States are in negotiations. Upon agreement, it will destroy the Uighur Turks in the 15 km Wakhan Corridor. Turkestan Jihad will be postponed for another 100 years. This 15 km corridor is the corridor of death, the US and its armies of Taghut will destroy the so-called global jihad mujahedin in this dead-end street in the light of the CIA under the name of jihad.
The US will have Uighur Turks fight against the Turkestan Islamic Party in Afghanistan.
The US army, which will go to the Wakhan Corridor, Afghanistan, will fight under the command of ISIS, as well as the Taliban and TIP Mujahideen. Some of ISIS have been brought to this region by the USA and they are fighting against the Taliban and the Turkestan Islamic Party.
The Turkish and Muslim enemies of the US want to get rid of China and the Mujahideen. In 2018, we unleashed the trap of the United States with the Global Jihad game and the US had to postpone these dreams.
US Uighur soldiers who will go to the Wakhan Corridor are the soldiers of Tagut. Allah tells us clearly in the Qur’an; Believers fight in the way of Allah. Those who deny fight in the way of Tagut. Then fight against the devil’s friends. Of course, the devil’s trick is weak. (Nisa 76)
On this occasion, we advise our Muslim Uyghur brothers from East Turkestan to stay away from the ranks of Taguts who have believed in the religion of Democracy and the US, which are in the path of Allah and His Messenger. They speak openly, and they have put forth their blasphemy by expressing clearly that they will depart together from whatever religion and congregation. This army to be gathered is the army of Tagut.
Turkistan Islamic Party Media Center Interview Ferganali YAKUP
East Turkestan Bulletin / News Agency