The news is as follows: US, Syria and Iraq, DAESH people close to the border with China, Turkestan begins to settle in the eastern regions. China is also building a military base on the territory of Tajikistan. We hear the footsteps of a tremendous reckoning between the US and China that will affect East Turkestan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and the east of Turkestan in general.
This could be ordinary news. There may be news that will only attract the attention of those interested in security-related issues. Could be US propaganda. It could be Chinese propaganda. There can be accounts of creating unrest in the region through DAESH. Many things can happen… But this news is definitely not that much. We must open our minds, our eyes, and anticipate where this seemingly small development will extend.
‘Third Great Game başlıy starts in Turkestan between USA and China.
After the rivalry between Russia and Britain over Afghanistan, which became the “Great Game tarih in history, the US and Russia (the Soviet Union) had a big deal over Afghanistan. The invasion of Afghanistan, which began in 1979 and the subsequent resistance, resulted in the collapse of the Soviets in the settlement of a Muslim country. This was the Second Big Game.

Now, the Big Third Great Game ”period starts between the USA and China. And this reckoning will be carried out through Afghanistan, Tajikistan, East Turkestan. Rather, the east of Turkestan will be the scene of the hegemony war of two great powers on a global scale such as the USA and China.
So, where do we stand, how do we produce words and power?
I will not go into the details of the US-China competition. This is the subject of another article or articles. I am interested in what will happen in the east of Turkestan. And we; how will we look at these developments as the people of the geography, as the Muslim world, as the Turkish world?

What kind of response? It is of interest to us whether we will stand on the US side, take positions according to the Chinese priorities, or build and act on our own stance, view, priorities.
None of these wars was ours. They used our weaknesses.
Africa’s depth in every frame of the Middle East, the invasion of Afghanistan in Libya, the Arab sectarian crisis of internal conflicts in the world, Turkey towards coup and multinational attempt to attack the Syrian terrorist corridor in the northern Arab-now in the Persian struggle beginners Arab world Turkey ‘ None of the crises we witnessed until our attempts to provoke. Yes, we had weaknesses, wrongs, anger, more problems.
But these conflicts, occupations, terrorist operations, massacres, humiliation, plundering and ruining the geography were not our fight. The supporters of the power struggle on a global scale determined occupation and security strategies through our weaknesses and always marketed their wars with our weaknesses.
Look at the invasion of Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq, the war in Syria, the war in Yemen, the invasion of Libya, and every crisis that comes to mind in the last thirty years. None of this was our war. They were just wars on our land, only our blood, using us as lead.
The Muslim world must be saved from being the military bullet of the West and the East. This is our biggest concern. The Muslim world must be saved from assuming the war of others. The Muslim world must be rescued from those who market their wars from the inside.
The West, the Atlantic axis, has used Muslims in all wars against the Muslim world. Both he attacked Islam and confronted it within himself. The West has been able to use Muslims as a weapon while dealing with other enemies. This is the worst situation facing the 21st century. No one can deny this fact with any excuse.
The party who cannot produce words. This has been the case since British mandate.
In addition to the USA, Britain, France or Western countries, China now follows the same path. He uses Muslim anger and tries to position the Muslim countries with which he has close relations against the West.
What will we produce when the Büyük Third Great Game ”is established mainly in the geography of Turkestan? What kind of posture will we determine? Will we be able to produce anything other than justifying the US or justifying China? The recent debate on East Turkestan suggests that we are stuck between Chinese atrocities and the US use of these atrocities.
Being a party is easy. Because it is easy to produce justification for every support. Since the discussions of Anglo-German mandate we have had a hard time going beyond this support. We cannot select the challenge and enlighten the future.
“Enter the patronage of the West or the East, lar they say. We won’t bow to that!
Let me tell you what will happen in the Third Great Game: Muslims will be at the forefront of the ranks in the conflict of both sides. They will die for the US, China. They’il think they’re fighting for their cause on their own land. We will once again see how the West, which waged war on Islam, used Muslims as soldiers. We will see that China will carry out its imperial settlement with the US through Muslim lands and blood.
Why can’t we produce a geography mind? They tell us, Batı West or East, under the patronage of someone ”. Some of us take shelter in the shadow of the West, some of us East, and a country that everyone finds right. They offer us nothing but mandate.
They forbid us, our geography, to produce a future perspective for those living in this geography. So we submit and choose one. Then we try to produce justification for this illegitimate ground.
Only Turkey is doing it, he attacked the four arms.
Only Turkey to challenge something, set a date to stop, to create a geography of perception, trying to build a discourse of freedom. That’s why he’s being attacked by four arms. We are not ashamed to use these attacks as domestic political reasons.
In my previous article, they try to confuse Islam with Muslims and all civilizations. They are trying to make the world the common problem of all civilizations. West is trying to include Buddhist and Hindu civilizations in the war with Islam. They also besiege Islam from the East. Tartışma I’ve seen nobody look at the world like this.
If we cannot produce our own word, and we cannot build a connected power, all corners of our geography will be plundered throughout the 21st century. Let’s look at the east of Turkestan with this eye.